Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Welcome to a new and exciting blog - well, new anyway.

Welcome to Booksheflish, an admittedly odd title, but given the difficulty of finding an available web domain these days, it'll have to do. And actually, I kind of like it. It is at least unique. Perhaps tough to spell and a little unclear on the meaning - but whatever. It's mine and it's going to stay.
So, what is Bookshelfish? It is *ahem, ahem* "Amateur book reviews from a champion reader, recommendations on what to read, a whole assortment of lists (lists of favorite authors, lists of best books for certain moods, lists of best pizza toppings"....Well, maybe not that one. But oh, how I do love a list.)
Anyway, it is all things reading, an homage to the printed page - printed, not downloaded. Unless you prefer downloaded. Then that's cool, because, you know, I do need followers. So whatever makes you happy. The point is, if you've ever ran out of room on your bookshelf, if you've ever began a sentence with the words, "Remember in Ghandi's memoirs, when he addresses..." if you've ever spent the food money at the used book store just because your copy of The Color Purple is worn out and you are a WHITE person, for Pete's sake - then this is the spot for you. If you spend your free time on the Wii, move on. I won't be offended.
NOTE: I am aware that book titles are supposed to underlined. However, I have no idea how to do it on my computer. So they will be in bold. And judging by the grammar and punctuation I see from most of my friends on Facebook, nobody will be too concerned about it. I mean really, was Facebook invented just to showcase the utter illiteracy of an entire population? Your dog, you're going to the movies, they're late for dinner, there is my cat, that is their Yani CD. Geez, people. I mean, what were they doing in the fifth grade? Actually hanging around with your friends and having fun, not studying how to diagram a sentence? Okay, back to the topic at hand. Which was....well, I cannot recall. But one more thing: a lot, not alot. Thanks.

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